7/10 Statement

Please see our statement condemning the murderous attack on Israel and its civilian population by the terrorist organization Hamas backed by Iran:

October 7, 2023

The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism and its Board strongly condemn the murderous attack on Israel and its civilian population by the terrorist organization Hamas backed by Iran.

Here are prominent Muslim leaders debunking the Islamist ideology and recognizing the truth:

“Today we are all Israelis!”

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser
Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy

“This attack and escalation by Hamas is reminiscent of al-Qaeda’s attacks on 9/11 in its damage and proportional deaths/injuries. At a time when the region states are either at peace or negotiating peace, it is a deliberate tactic employed by Hamas and its backers to delegitimize peace and derail ongoing negotiations. We must not let the terrorists win!

Haras Rafiq
Senior Research Fellow at ISGAP and Trustee of Muslims Against Antisemitism UK

“I strongly condemn these heinous crimes by Hamas against Israel. This was a war against Israel. It is time for the international community to stand with Israel and stop Hamas aggression for good

Noor Dahri
Executive Director, Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism (UK)

“Iran-backed Palestinian terrorists launched an invasion against our ally Israel committing ghastly war crimes. They are celebrating their slaughter in Gaza and The West Bank. We must fully support Israel’s right to defend itself and stand strong on the front lines against terrorism. This is a time for choosing not fence-sitting. I stand unequivocally with Israel.

Dahlia al Aqidi
Iraqi-American journalist

The unprovoked aggression unleashed by Hamas-Hezbollah terrorist-infiltrators inside Israel stunned the world. The well-planned and well-coordinated attack by Iranian backed Hezbollah and Hamas combined is a dare-devil attempt to derail the impending Israeli-Saudi peace deal and a desperate bid to thwart the peace process in the Middle East underlined by Abraham Accords.

Once this condemnable aggression is played out, the bogey of terrorism should be laid to rest once and for all. Thoughts and prayers for the victims of this abhorrent act of aggression.

Mohammad Rizwan
Journalist for The National Post, Washington Post, the Telegraph and the Khaleej Times

As the details of the atrocities committed by Hamas are unfolding, we find that Hamas acted no differently in their brutality than ISIS.

Raheel Raza,
Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism [CMAA] is a not-for-profit organization comprised of Muslim thinkers, professionals and activists committed to fighting antisemitism in all its guises


“Globalized antisemitism is a thriving international enterprise that transverses cultures and civilizations. You can help us fight the this most enduring, pervasive, and lethal mode of hatred.”

Raheel Raza



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