The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

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Welcome to the Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism



Welcome to the Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism [CMAA] is a charitable organization comprised of Muslim thinkers, professionals and activists committed to fighting antisemitism in all its guises.

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According To The ADL/ Global 100 Index, 1.09 Billion People
Across the Globe Harbour Antisemitic Beliefs
















Including 28 Million in The US and 2.3 Million in Canada




Includes Australia And New Zealand

CMAA VIDEO: A Muslim Call to Condemn the Weaponization of Sexual Violence 

On March 3, 2021, The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism condemned weaponization of systemic sexual violence as a deliberate tool of terror and ideological domination by Hamas terrorists following October 7.

play CMAA VIDEO: A Muslim Call to Condemn the Weaponization of Sexual Violence


“Globalized antisemitism is a thriving international enterprise that transverses cultures and civilizations. You can help us fight the this most enduring, pervasive, and lethal mode of hatred.”

Raheel Raza



Educating our Communities

Speaking Out

Building Bridges

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“antisemitism is unique in the annals of prejudices”

“No other widespread prejudice has characterized people as such cosmological threats…. No other prejudicial discourse has been so eliminationist or produced such regular calls for violence and extermination.”

Prof. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen

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CMAA Letter to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights – Hearings on Antisemitism

We believe in and support respectful dialogue, including the National Respectful Dialogue Initiative by Canada’s law community. But the space for respectful dialogue has diminished greatly since October 7. Our prayer and demand is to keep this space open for all Canadians and to uphold and enforce the constitutional guarantees that ensure rights of all communities and faiths.

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VIDEO: Women on the Frontlines 2024

The methodical use of horrific sexual violence against civilians was a central component of the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7. Seven brave Muslim leaders and speakers addressed the implications of this phenomenon and the vulnerability of Western liberal democracies to the dangers of Islamist extremism. The remarkable panel of Muslim experts provided a framework for understanding the weaponization of systemic sexual violence as a deliberate tool of terror and ideological domination.

Condemn the methodical use of horrific sexual violence against civilians was a central component of the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7 Condemn the methodical use of horrific sexual violence against civilians was a central component of the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7

CMAA issued an Open Letter to Canadian Parliamentarians and a Call to Action!

The silence, glorification, and obfuscation of the October 7 atrocities must be publicly challenged. As members and international affiliates of the Canada- based Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism (CMAA), we intend to do so in every democratic arena.

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CMAA issued an Open Letter to Canadian Parliamentarians and a Call to Action

We Must Keep Talking About Hamas’ OCT 7 Sex Crimes

Women everywhere will be at greater risk of violence and dehumanization, backed up by the legitimacy of global institutions that simply stand by silently. One condemnation or investigation is not enough...Today, more than ever, we need to stand up for women and girls everywhere, and that means talking about the sexual violence that happened on Oct. 7. 

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Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

We are Calling Out Antisemitic Iran

The tentacles of Islamist regime in Iran stretch far and wide in the Middle East, through a complex network of proxy militia forces that operate and control large swaths of territory. Hamas, with all its deadly weaponry and tunnel complexes in Gaza, is a permanently bleeding sore lodged inside Israel’s body politic that keeps the Mideast in jitters. And it is funded by Iran.

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Opinion: Pakistan strike but the latest salvo in Iran's terror campaign Utilizing its terror proxies throughout the region, the Iranian regime is plunging the Middle East into all-out war Author of the article: Mohammed Rizwan and Raheel Raza,

7/10 Statement

Please see our statement condemning the murderous attack on Israel and its civilian population by the terrorist organization Hamas backed by Iran:

October 7, 2023

The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism and its Board strongly condemn the murderous attack on Israel and its civilian population by the terrorist organization Hamas backed by Iran.

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Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

CMAA Confronting al-Quds Day 2022: "A worldwide annual hate-fest against Jews”

Beginning with the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran has hosted a worldwide annual hate-fest against Jews, celebrated on the last Friday of Ramadan. The events held in Canada and across the globe include  “incitement to violence, calls for Israel’s destruction, the promotion of …. antisemitic conspiracy theories, and the display of symbols associated with terrorist groups that are banned in Canada.”[

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CMAA Confronting al-Quds Day 2022

CMAA Exhibit: The Holocaust Through the Eyes of a Muslim Artist (Nov. 2021)

“To forget a Holocaust is to kill twice” Elie Wiesel

The CMAA hosted a unique display of artwork related to Holocaust remembrance by CMAA advisory board member and artist Rimmel Khan. The event was during Holocaust Education Week in Toronto.

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The Holocaust Through the Eyes of a Muslim Artist

CMAA Speaks Out Against Hamas (May 2021)

“Hamas is an overtly genocidal antisemitic terrorist entity which has launched over 4000 missiles from Gaza at Israel’s civilian population centres over the last few days. Hamas has used its own Palestinian civilian population in Gaza as human shields to protect itself from retaliation. The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism condemns Hamas unequivocally.”

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CMAA Speaks Out Against Hamas

A Muslim Call to Action Against Global Antisemitism

On April 7, 2021, as dusk set over Jerusalem, The Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism made its debut by marking Yom HaShoah / Holocaust Remembrance Day


A Muslim Call to Action Against Global Antisemitism A Muslim Call to Action Against Global Antisemitism

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